The Election

Thank you so much for the honor of representing you!
Through community meetings, and especially talking with you door-to-door, you’ve given me a stimulating mix of candor, heartfelt concerns, intelligent observations, and moments of friendship.
Thank you!

Virginia’s 14th House District
The map below represents the newly drawn 14th House District based on the approved and final 2021 Redistricting Map. Click here to search your address to find out if you are in my district.
Election Information
Additional Responses
Background in specific areas:
2023 Endorsements
- Sierra Club of VA
- VA Education Association
- Planned Parenthood of VA
- League of Conservation Voters
- Giffords (Stop Gun Violence)
- #VoteProChoice
- Amalgamated Transit Union Local 689
- Family Friendly Action PAC
- National Women’s Political Caucus-VA
- Freedom Virginia
- Democratic Organizations: Emily’s List, LGBT Democrats of VA, VA Women’s Caucus, National Democratic Redistricting Committee, Our Revolution Northern Virginia
- Past endorsements include VA Professional Fire Fighters, Brady United Against Gun Violence, Northern Virginia Technology Council, Fight for Reform: End Citizens United, VA NOW, Police Benevolent Association, SEIU, Moms Demand Action Gun Sense, Mid-Atlantic LiUNA, Farm Bureau Federation (AgPAC), First Responders Boots of Recovery, NARAL
Financial Disclosures
- Campaign Finance Report
- Conflict of Interest Statement
- Personal Finances see under About Vivian